Dr. Fakhra Fakhar
Specialty: Microbiology
Department Affiliation: Shalamar School of Allied Health Sciences
Date of Joining: 01 / 09 / 2016
Professional Summary
I have completed my Bachelors in operation Theatre Technology from University of Health sciences (Institute: Children’s Hospital Lahore) in 2014 and completed the degree of master of philosophy in microbiology from Lahore garrison university in 2021. Currently working in Shalamar School of allied health sciences as senior lecturer and program coordinator.
I am supervising different research projects of students of OTT final prof.
Paper Assessor and paper setter at UHS since last 7 Years
Total working Years
9 Years of Teaching Experience in the field of allied health sciences (OTT)
2 year of clinical Experience of Children’s hospital Lahore
Academic Profile
- M.Phil. Microbiology
2018 – 2021
Lahore Garrison University, Lahore – Pakistan - BSc(Hons) Operation Theatre Technology
2011 – 2014
University of Health Sciences.Children Institute of Health Sciences, Lahore – Pakistan
Residencies/Clinical Training OR Clinical Attachment
- Senior Lecturer/Prog. Coordinator OTT
Sep 2016 to date*
Shalamar school of allied health sciences - Lecturer
Nov 2015 – Aug 2016
Children Hospital Lahore - Internship
Jul 2015 – Jul 2016
Children Hospital Lahore
- Awards and Certifications
- Participated in ‘1st UHS allied health sciences conference on ‘Bridging the gap in healthcare; improving patient care outcomes’ with 12 CME Hours November 2016.
- Workshop on ‘Operation Theatre Administration’ organized by school of allied health sciences, children hospital Lahore, with 0.3 CME Hours. 24th November 2016.
- Participated in 12th annual symposium of children Hospital Lahore, 2017
- Participated and won 1st position in oral paper presentation in 12th annual symposium of children Hospital Lahore, 2017.
- Participated as a delegate in the ‘2nd international conference: beyond Horizons’ organized by Shalamar medical and dental college in Februa
- Participated as a organizing member in Hands – on training workshop on ‘core stability’ at Shalamar school of allied health sciences in 2018 with 0.4 CME Hours.
- Participated in the workshop of; How Student Learn’ organized by Shalamar medical and dental college with 0.2 CME Hours. 24th September 2019.
- Participated in the workshop of; Blue printing of exams’ organized by Shalamar medical and dental college with 0.2 CME Hours. July 2022
- Participated in 6th international conference organized by Shalamar medical and dental college.
- Participated in the workshops of ‘hands-on training for the equipment of anesthesia machine and ventilators in January 2023
Research & Publications
- ‘Comparison of urethroplasty with vicryl and PDS in Peads’ in Pakistan medical professional journal.
- Co-morbidities and characteristics of adult obese patients for bariatric surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy) and their early postoperative complications in ‘Pakistan journal of medical and health science
- ‘Clinical study of antibiotics resistance of bacterial pathogens associated with diabetic foot ulcers” Asian Journalof Allied Health Sciences (AJAHS)
- Effects of Oxytocin on heart rate and blood pressure during cesarean section under spinal anesthesia in ‘Pakistan journal of medical and health science
- Awareness of factors affecting the needlestick and sharp injuries among healthcare workers in tertiary care hospital –in ‘Pakistan journal of medical and health science
- Post covid-19 complications of symptomatic and asymptomatic among healthcare professionals working in tertiary care hospital of Lahore- Pakistan ‘Pakistan journal of medical and health science’.
Working On
- Comparison of Post Dural Puncture Headache (PDPH) among patients administered with 25 Gauge and 27 gauge undergoing elective Cesarean section
- Comparison of compatibility of diffrent temperature ( 121, 134 degree centigrads ) of autoclave on disposable items.
Awards and Honors
- Participated in the workshop of; How Student Participated as a organizing member in Hands – on training workshop on ‘core stability’ at Shalamar school of allied health sciences in 2018 with 0.4 CME Hours.
- Learn’ organized by Shalamar medical and dental college with 0.2 CME Hours. 24th September 2019.
- Participated in ‘1st UHS allied health sciences conference on ‘Bridging the gap in healthcare; improving patient care outcomes’ with 12 CME Hours November 2016.
- Workshop on ‘Operation Theatre Administration’ organized by school of allied health sciences, children hospital Lahore, with 0.3 CME Hours. 24th November 2016.
- Participated in 12th annual symposium of children Hospital Lahore, 2017
- Participated and won 1st position in oral paper presentation in 12th annual symposium of children Hospital Lahore, 2017.
- Participated as a delegate in the ‘2nd international conference: beyond Horizons’ organized by Shalamar medical and dental college in February 2018.
- Participated in 6th international conference organized by Shalamar medical and dental college.
- Participated in the workshop of; Blue printing of exams’ organized by Shalamar medical and dental college with 0.2 CME Hours. July 2022
- Participated in the workshops of ‘hands-on training for the equipment of anesthesia machine and ventilators in January 202
Class positions
BSc(Hons) Operation Theatre Technology
- Third position in 2nd prof B.Sc (Hons) Operation Theatre Technology.
- Third position in 3rd prof B.Sc (Hons) Operation Theatre Technology.
- Third position in 4th prof B.Sc (Hons) Operation Theatre Technology.